TEMPERATURE TESTS multiple use thermal covers for pallets – fresh frozen non-freeze

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Temperature tests of multiple use thermal covers for pallets

Below you can find an overview of test results which were performed on time-temperature sensitive products or conditioned products which were loaded on pallets and insulated with Temax thermal covers as a passive cooling system. The goal of the temperature test is to determine the time that a certain temperature can be preserved or maintained in a certain environment and condition. All tests are performed in a climate chamber with certified and validated temp tales – data loggers. If you have any questions in regards to these temperature test results, please feel free to contact us.

Temperature measurement
- T.M.P.L.'s = see drawings in tests
- T.M.P.'s = product surface + air surrounding the product

All test results are available in PDF files. Please send us an email.

TEST fresh products (+3°C)
EN-12546-2 Product Mass (50%)

Temax-2000 cover - NO bottom
Outer (+25°C) for 20 Hrs

Krautz Temax Isolierhaube Mofro Frischwaren KĂĽhlprodukte Palette Temperatrurschutz

TEST fresh products (+3°C)
EN-12546-2 Product Mass (50%)

Temax-2000 cover - NO bottom
Outer (+25°C) + GEL PACKS (-18°C)

Krautz temax test température housse isotherme produits frais

TEST ambient products (+20°C)
EN-12546-2 Product Mass (50%)

Temax-2000 cover - NO bottom
NO-FREEZE = Outer (-10°C) 96 HRS

Krautz Temax Frostschutz Thermohaube Lakke Flussigkeiten

More test results at next update.