Q-FOLD multiple use thermal cover for pallets with folding sides

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Usage of the Q-FOLD thermal covers with folding doors / folding sides for pallets
The insulated cover or thermal cover with folding sides is used to maintain the temperature of temperature controlled goods like refrigerated or frozen foods which are loaded on a pallet. The special design of the "Q-Fold" cover makes it possible to fold the four insulated sites of the cover on top of the roof. This makes the storage and the return flow of the covers from the receiver back to the sender easier. To use the cover, the folded cover is simply placed on top of the goods and folded open. The corners of the covers are Velcro closures so it can be closed easily and fast. The Q-fold thermo thermal cover is tailor made for euro pallets, block pallets or other sizes. Next to the dimensions also the insulation quality is produced according to the required temperature preservation or temperature results.

Q-Fold thermal cover with 4 foldable sides
The Q-fold thermal cover is equipped with velcro closures in the four corners. This makes it possible to fold the sides over the top of the pallet redusing the cover to a small package. To unfold the cover, the sides can easily be unfolded again over the sides. Next the velcro closures on the corners are closed

Krautz Temax insulated thermal cover for pallets for fresh chilled frozen food products

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Krautz Temax thermal cover height regulation - Thermohaube Höheriegelung - Housse isotherme regulation hauteur - Thermohoes hoogteregeling hoogte verstelbar

Krautz Temax thermal covers - Isolierte Thermohauben - Housse isolant - GeĂŻsoleerde hoezen pallets palette pallet

MOVIE / Q-FOLD thermal cover pallets with foldeble sides

Temperature characteristics

Preservation and stabilization of the product temperature
The insulated thermal covers with folding door or foldable sides are used to preserve or stabilize the temperature of the products, which are protected by the thermal cover, as long as possible. The time that the temperature can be preserved of stabilized, or the speed of temperature increase or decrease, is depending on the insulation quality. Thermal covers or insulated covers with middle closures are manufactured with a certain Temax insulation material which have a certain insulation quality (R-value or U(k)-value). The higher or thicker the insulation quality, the longer the time of temperature preservation or the slower the speed of temperature change of the products inside the thermal cover.

External convection flows due to open thermal bridges – cold bridges
Next to the insulation quality of the thermal cover with middle closure, the stability or deviation speed of the temperature of the product is also depending on the presents of open thermal bridges or open cold bridges on the thermal cover and packaging set-up. Open thermal bridges are locations in the design or set-up of the thermal cover where an external convection flow (air flow) can exist which has a very big impact on the speed of temperature change. It is therefore very important that open thermal bridges are avoided at all times.

Adding extra thermal energy generators - Gel Packs – Dry Ice – PCM’s Phase Change Materials
When conditioned or time-temperature sensitive products are protected from external temperature influences with a passive cooling systems such as thermal covers with folding door, the goal is to purely use the available thermal energy of the products to maintain and stabilize the temperature of the products as long as possible. As we know, the result of this stabilization is depending on the insulation quality of the thermal cover combined with possible convection flows and the thermal energy of the products combined with the temperature difference (inside-outside). If the temperature cannot be maintained according to the preferred time-frame, the time can be extended by increasing the available thermal energy. This extra energy can be generated by all kind of passive cooling systems such as gel packs – ice packs – dry ice – PCM’s Phase Change Materials.

Insulating the bottom of the pallet
Most pallets have bottoms which are not completely closed so a convection flow (air flow) can appear meaning that the air can flow through these openings. Therefore it is very important to seal or insulate the bottom of the pallet before loading the chilled or frozen products. An insulated bottom will increase the temperature results significant. To insulate the bottom a on-way use insulation or cardboard can be used.

Insulation qualities

Temax-4000 Temax-2000 Temax-1000 Temax-500 insulation quality