Temax book – Cold chain implementation plan

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Krautz Temax book boek Buch Livre Cold chain implementation plan

Temax published book: "Cold Chain Implementation Plan"

295 Pages on cold chain logistics from producer to consumer in road transport, air freight and sea freight. H.C.C.P.'s in cold chain (transport and storage), heat transfer and heat resistance techniques, passive cooling packaging technology, cold chain management and temperature monitoring, and much more. Illustrated with 165 drawings and temperature graphics. Do you want to create a closed cold chain? This book will help you achieve it.

Cold chain logistics AIR - SEA - ROAD - Last mile transport

Cold chain, the logistic chain from producer to consumer of time-temperature sensitive products: perishable medicines, food and chemicals. It is a chain where the main purpose is to preserve the required product temperature so the chain is closed. The question is: how can a cold chain be closed? This question will be answered in this book. This book does not overload you with complex thermal physics formulas or validation guidelines, but offers practical considerations, situations and solutions in temperature preservation of time-temperature sensitive products with active and passive cooling techniques in road, air and sea freight logistics. It shows how temperature reacts to changes, where possible HCCP’s ‘Hazardous Critical Control Points’ can appear in a cold chain, heat resistance techniques and how a cold chain can be managed. After reading this book you will be able to create your optimal cold chain. A closed chain

Krautz Temax book cold chain implementation plan

Krautz Temax buch boek livre cold chain implementation plan

Published ISBN - 9789048429851
Practical study book - 295 Pages - English language
This book is available on special email request: see page contact

Krautz Temax transport temperature sensitive products

Krautz Temax temperature graphic road transport