Temperature trailer mapping for temperature controlled trailers – A Temax service

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What is temperature trailer mapping? A performance test for your product quality

A temperature trailer mapping or thermal trailer mapping is a quality performance test for temperature controlled trailers. When these conditioned trailers are used to transport time-temperature sensitive products, the cooler engine will condition the trailer to the correct temperature, easy and simple. Yet experience shows that the programmed temperature is not always within the required limits leading to product quality damages which need to be avoided.
The goal of a temperature trailer mapping or thermal trailer mapping is to perform a test that pin-points and visualizes locations in the conditioned trailer where possible temperature excursions or temperature deviations appear when a certain trailer type is used with a certain cooler engine, a certain load configuration, a certain outer environment and with certain procedures and processes. A temperature trailer mapping is therefore a performance tests for your product quality.

How does it work in practice

When a temperature trailer mapping is performed by Krautz-Temax, a trailer and a certain load configuration (determined with the customer) will be equipped with a lot of T.M.P.L's "Temperature Measure Point Locations" (data-loggers) and processed according to a certain test profile. The cooler engine will be programmed with a certain temperature in a certain temperature environment (determined with the customer) and run a certain test profile. The T.M.P.L.'s will show possible temperature excursions or deviations in the trailer and the load in regards to the used specific configuration and trailer specification. After the test, all results are noted in a complete rapport and presented to the customer. The rapport will lead to S.O.P's "Standard Operation Procedures" optimizations in the HCCP "Hazardous Critical Control Points" in order to avoid possible product quality risks. Our team of specialists will support the quality teams at the customer in optimizing the S.O.P's and offer solutions.

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

S.O.P.'s optimization and product quality risk prevention

The tests profiles show the standard tests which will be performed according to the Krautz-Temax mapping protocol, yet our main test target will be your specific shipment configuration en cold chain set-up in order to optimize the existing S.O.P"s "Standard Operation Procedures" so product quality risks are minimized to even completely avoided. See also Temax published work book "Advanced Temperature Trailer Mapping" (284 paged on trailer mapping). All tests are performed in summer and winter profiles.

Krautz-Temax rapport and S.O.P's recommendations

All temperature results and findings are noted in a detailed rapport (book) which is presented to the customer. All temperature results are transformed into tables and graphics per individual programmed time-frame. All T.M.P.L.’s “Temperature Measure Point Locations” are registered both individually as in group to determine and visualize the causes that founded the possible temperature deviation. All used processes and actions are noted in detail combined with pictures and drawings to visualize the complete process. All findings and HCCP’s “Hazardous Critical Control Points” are motivated by remarks and attention points from our specialists. The rapport will therefore contribute in the optimization of the used S.O.P’s “Standard Operation Procedures” so future product quality risks can be avoided.

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

Krautz Temax temperature trailer mapping

ETC ...

Temax engineering demo-trailer

Krautz-Temax has a special demo-trailer which is equipped with special automated air-channeling systems and partition walls which are used for temperature optimizations. This trailer is used for engineering purposes where new techniques and systems are tested and developed with the purpose to create temperature stability during certain processes, transport time frames, testing profiles, weather conditions etc… The demo-trailer also offers the possibility to pre-test certain procedures in regards to load set-up, loading and unloading, etc…